
3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmet 100 Ninja

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Product Details

The 3M Speedglas Welding Helmet 100V Ninja allows you to take advantage of Speedglas' excellent optical quality and reliable light to dark switching at a highly affordable price. The Speedglas 100 auto darkening helmet delivers impressive performance and protection with our Ninja graphic design - Image is Everything!

Features & Benefits
Made in Sweden with an industry leading 3 year warranty on lens
High impact to Australian & New Zealand Standards (AS/NZS 1337)
Speedglas optical quality and comfort
TST (TIG Sensor Technology) reacts down to 10 amps
New smooth ratchet head harness
Shades 3/8-12 with magnifying lens holder
Extra light shade 3 grind function with high impact rating
Dark shades can be increased using upgrade plates
New delay setting (set your dark to light return time)
Magnifying lens holder for exact placement

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3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmet 100 Ninja
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